OUMail URL:https://mail.office365.com
OUMail is an email service for students. Each student has the following email address.
Email Address:Osaka University Personal ID@ecs.osaka-u.ac.jp
For example, u000000x@ecs.osaka-u.ac.jp
Password:The password for Osaka University Personal ID
Access to the above URL.
For the details, refer to the following documents or website.
・Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a problem, check this page.
・How to set up OUMail

・Guide to Multi-Factor Authentication
You can see the details for Multi-Factor Authentication on this page.
・Request for resetting your account's multi-factor authentication
When you can't access to OUMail due to a changing your phone number or device,
request for resetting.
You can also reset at D3 Center.
・Microsoft Office application
It is available for Undergraduate students, graduate students,
and advanced vocational school students to use Microsoft Office application
with his or her OUMail account.
For the instruction or contact, refer to the above website.
・Services other than email
・Lifelong email address
All graduates are automatically being given a lifelong OUMail email address.
Graduates' email address has changed from
~~@ecs.osaka-u.ac.jp to ~~@alumni.osaka-u.ac.jp.
After graduating, you can't access to OneDrive. However, you can access to OneDrive
by a special method for a while. For the details, contact us by email.
Guide to Osaka University Educational Computer Systems and email
You must follow this guide when using OUMail.
First, check this page.
If the problem persists, contact the following email address or number.
email:info[@]ecs.osaka-u.ac.jp ※[@] must be replaced with @