Computation Center, Osaka University was established in April 1969 as the Joint Usage and Joint Research Center to manage computers and information used by university and other researchers for education and research nationwide. The Joint Usage Computation Center was established at the recommendation of the Science Council of Japan, and had additional facilities at Hokkaido University, Tohoku University, Tokyo University, Nagoya University, Kyoto University and Kyushu University, for a total of seven locations.
Subsequently, in addition to the above duties, the facilities took on the roles of practical research bases for advancing computerization, and the “Computation Center” in the name of each center, including this one, was changed to Information Infrastructure Center for collaborative use of information technology “Information Infrastructure Center for Collaborative Use of Information Technology.” Due to reorganization and expansion efforts in 2000, the Osaka University facility then changed its name to “Cybermedia Center, Osaka University.”
Currently, the seven information technology centers(including our Cybermedia Center) information technology centers, including our Cybermedia Center, function as node schools of SINET (Science Information NET work by the National institute of Information) the National Institute of Informatics’ SINET (Science Information Network) and enable mutual use of their computing resources, and alongside their own services such as large-scale computation services, have a closely-knit operating relationship.